Monday, December 28, 2009


Hey all, I am back again with a new post. I think what I am going to write about is a very interesting & thought provoking idea. I am inspired to write about this from the movie Dil Chahta Hai. Anyway, I am not going to blab about the movie itself, but going to revolve around the most important aspect of the movie: Love & Friendship. Remember, I am not judging anything, just putting my point of view about it

I think the kind of closure which was shown among the three was quite amazing and pretty realistic. It didn't matter for them whether it was 2'o clock @ night or 6 in the morning, they were always there for each other. I guess this is what is what real friendship means. But, as the movie rambled on for another 1/2 an hour, the incident which happened really made me think whether it should've happened or not. Yes, I am talking about the time when Sid (Akshay Khanna), just fallen in love with Dimple Kapadia, slaps Akash (Amir Khan). Why & how could it happen? Should it have happened? Now, let's rewind back a little bit. The kind of character depicted by Amir Khan was very simple and understandable. He was a real prankster, he couldn't live without making a joke out of any situation (I can't believe but the character resembles me a lot). Unlike almost all of us, he was carefree & never took any situation seriously. It was very important to understand that at least consciously he never meant to hurt anyone. This is the kind of character which I think is very important and should be in every friend circle.

It was said in the movie that - "Every frienship has a boundary & it is not necessary that a person should tolerate his/her friends every action". Well, I believe in friendship more than I have believed in anything else (except believe in myself). We are talking about best buds, who are ready to go all out for each other. So, my question is that is there really any such boundary between best friends? All I can make out of this line id crap. I always thought that real frienship means no boundaries. I know that if you are reading this than suddenly a nasty idea has popped in your head that "badal is saying no boundaries, does he understand what he is saying? No boundaries mean that his friend can beat him to a pulp or drop a bomb at his home and he won't say anything." Well, if that is what you are thinking, than it is you who doesn't understand what I am saying & doesn't have a slightest clue what real friends mean. There is a very big difference in the words 'friends' and 'best friends'. We can be friends with anyone, but it takes years for us to become someone's best friend.

If you are best friends, than you are already far beyond the situation when you have to tolerate each other. Words like Irritate, tolerate & embarassing don't really exist in the dictionary of friendship. I mean definitely there are few things which they say or do which we don't like, but that doesn't mean we can go around slapping them. Everyone has 2 options to deal with it - first, we can either think, laugh about it and then move on, or else, we can tell them that we don't like it. If he/she really is your best friend, then I believe he/she will understand. I always believed in the 3rd option, i.e., I never mind it. I think, if my friends ever hurt my feelings intentionally, then it could be either they are really pissed off, or may be I am the one whose perception is wrong. If it is the former one, then we shouldn't mind it & give them some time to cool it off. Time heals everything. Once they have regained their composure, they will definitely apologize for the things they said which they didn't mean. And, if it is the latter one, then isn't it something to think about before going on an all out war and cutting them out of our lifes?

Well, in the movie, the reason given behind all the slapping was Love. The character Sid was in love & what ever Akash said hurt his feelings. Really? I never really understood the term Love. I am not talking about the love with your parents or friends or the things which you like to do, but love which happens between a boy and girl (In some cases boy-boy or girl-girl). But, I guess it exists because so many movies have been made about it & so many people are wasting their life in it. But, if love is anything like the way shown in the movie, then my perception differs from those who think they are in "love". The feelings we share with our parents, brothers & friends should be the real definition of love. If a feeling is making you obsessed, making you hit your friend who was by your side all the time, making you forget about your parents who taught you how to walk and held your fingers so that you don't fall, then I think that love is a disease or perhaps a virus, even dangerous than HIV. It's a state of madness, a psychotic disorder which distorts the perception of reality. It takes the concept of rationality and pragmatism out of your mind. How could it be called the best creation of all?

The character, falling in love with a 45 year old divorced woman-who has a child and got drinking problem, was out of my psychic range. The more I think about it, the more I am convinced that this kind of person never really had any kind of experience with girls. He never really even spoke with one. That is why when he got in touch with that women, he suddenly felt attracted and confussed infatuation with love. And not to lose this feeling, he even defended himself by hitting his best friend. Suppose, I was really in love & my friend had said something like this, then at the max I would have picked BC/MC or would've stopped talking to him till he said sorry. But, slap? May be it is time for you to think about it.

In the end, all you can do is love yourself. Or may be try to introuduce art in your gloomy, hollow life. Listen Pink Floyd or else get laid ;)

Badal - All killer, No filler

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

India, Pakistan and the situation

Well, Hi guys, I am back again after a very very big break. I don't whether you will be interested in reading this post or not, but I will try to make it interesting. I've been reading quite a lot lately because of my preperation for CAT, and I was highly interested in the history of India and Pakistan. Don't worry, this isn't a chronicle of the events which occured since 1947, I was just tempted to share my thoughts about this.

India, definitely one of the biggest democractic success, has continually been traumatized by our neigbour Pakistan since 1947. Pakistan gives us the perfect definition of botched up democracy. Every since the partition, they had a feeling of discontent regarding the kashmir issue. They not only felt that India, in coalition with Britain played a foxy game by giving them Pakistan which was very small than their expectations. Even though a lie, Pakistan claimed that India usurped Kashmir (a disputed state), and has been trying to get it back and include it in Pakistani border. We have tried to forget the events which occured past partition to maintain a cordial relation with Pakistan, but they continued the rancour and bred a continous hatred against India. It isn't the younger Pakistani generation's fault, but their ancestors', who were so frustrated with their continual defeat against India, that instead of creating a stable and prosperous country they ended up bequeathing (may be unconsciously) all the ill-will. Education, as all we know, is the key to development, but in Pakistan it brought disaster. Psychologically speaking, every human being is a product of environment, society and education. Same is the case with Pakistan. Ever since a child is born in Pakistan, he/she is taught one compulsary subject - Pakistan History. Instead of creativity and morality, a child is taught nothing but how India was cruel to Pakistan, how India declared wars on Pakistan for Kashmir and what political games India played against Pakistan to create Bangladesh. No matter how smart a person is, the brainwashing done in childhood lingers on for life. Hence, almost all of Pakistan now hates India and is trying to bring us down.

Even though Pakistan has a poor and highly unstable economy, their government is busy in making mass destruction weapons. The GDP of pakistan is ranked 49/180, their HDI (Human development Index) is ranked 140th/177, their literacy rank is 160/177, their quality of life index rank is 93/111, but they are ranked 7th in Nuclear warhead ranking, and ranked 14th in army index. They have received close 10 billion US dollars (largest aid given by any country to any other country) just for economic development, but 70% of the money is spent in breeding terrorist organizations against India.

But, the important thing to notice would be that we can't throw all the dirt to pakistan for their actions. Newton's third law applies here very well: "Every action has an equal and opposite reaction", in here we have Islamic reaction. What we are facing now is a product of our own misdeeds. For example, 1992, the year of demolition of Babri mazjid. Pakistan just gave shoulder to the vengeful muslims to carry an all out war, which would've happened anyway. Confrontation with Pakistan is as inevitable as poverty.

We have now fallen in a grim situation. What have we been doing, what are we doing and what else can we do to reconcile? What can be the correct approach to make peace with our neighbour? Peace talks have been going on since our PM was Narshimha rao, but the situation has rather aggravated sinced then. It is pretty much clear that we can't win the war with power. The more we push them and try to intimidate them, the more we suffer later on. Pakistan is a country which has a good support of powerful nations like USA and China, while we, because of our NAT, have even lost our support from Russia, the only country which can stand up against the other two. Do we really stand a chance in defeating them one-on-one? May be we do, but I think that we won't be able to face the consequences. We are up against a nation which has nothing to lose, but we, on the other hand, have a lot.

What would've happened if in 09 election BJP instead of UPA had formed the government with LK Advani as our Prime Minister. Would it have been better if the power was handed to those who are sorely responsible for the religious mess, the perpetrators of heinuous crimes like Godhra Kand & Demolition of Babri Mazjid? And between all this, I think about Mahatama Gandhi, the father of our nation. I never really understood his ideologies and his deeds, but now I definitely understand what our nation would have been like if we had followed his ideologies. Just like we were united once, we can still be united. We just have to understand the fact that nation comes before our religion or our personal differences.

I believe the victory of UPA was better for our country. I can't even imagination how a BJP goverment would've handeled the situation after 26/11. Their extreme hinduism and RSS' hindutva ideology has done nothing but harm to our country. It is correctly said that the best offence is a good defense. It would be better for our country to strengthen up our defense rather than pushing others around. We could've avoided all the terrorist attacks if only we had been more vigilant.

It is an important thing to understand the nothing good comes out of war. Just to satisfy a personal grudge of few, millions of people have to pay with their lives. Hate is a baggage. Life is too short to be pissed off all the time. We ain't enemies or perhaps, we must not be enemies.